2024 Nokia Open will have slightly changes as usual.
Final map will be released one month before the tournament.
Nokia Open course will be based on “Beast” with some small changes. This year we will push the course to next level. Some holes will be more difficult than previous years.
Course map and caddie book will be updater later.
You can check the previous year course map below.
Hole by hole rules:
- OB all around the hole. Mando on right. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- Road on right and lake on left side are OB.
- Lake beside tee is OB.
- Lake on right and road on left are OB.
- Mando on left. Parking lot on right and road behind basket are OB. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- Two mangos on this hole on right side. If you miss the first Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie. If you miss the second Mando you can go to Drop Zone or you can re-throw from previous lie. Right side road and lake on left are OB.
- Mando on right. If you miss Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie. OB all around the hole. At some part of the fairway the OB line is the sidewalk. Sticks mark OB if the OB line is gone on walk paths. Basketball field is also OB where the fens is the line.
- OB all around the hole. OB lines are painted.
- OB is all around the hole. Market with paint. Pond before basket is also OB.
- Mando on right. Road on right side and behind the basket is OB. At the beginning line is painted and the rest of the OB line is the Asphalt. Also the bond at the beginning on left is OB and marked with sticks. Other water is casual. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- Mando on left. Casual water on left. OB on left side (same bond as on hole 10). Private yards are OB on right side. Yards are market with sticks.
- Sidewalk on left and the parking lot behind the basket are OB. Asphalt is the line. Water is casual.
- Sidewalk on left at the beginning is OB. Then rest of the hole is rounded with painted OB lines. Mando on left. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- BUNCR rule on this hole. If disc lands on BUNCR you rethrow without penalty until you get inbounds. THIS RULE APPLY ALSO INSIDE THE ISLAND GREEN! Disc on top of the hay bales are not inbounds even if those cut the inside line. The disc must be touching the ground on the safe side of the hay bales to be able to mark on the island. Painted line marks the back side of the island. Players may take a standard 1m relief from the BUNCR area.
- OB all around the hole. Marked with painted line. Mando on right. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- At the beginning the road marks OB line on right and rest is market with painted line. Mando on right. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie.
- Parking lot on left is OB. As are all the building roofs if you end up there.
- Mando on right. If you miss the Mando you need to re-throw from previous lie. OB all around the hole.