Nokia Open 2024

6th year in a row and still rolling. I think this is the best way to give memories to all discgolfers.
This year the tournament will be a separate A-tier tournament but never the less there will be again new challenges. Will you be the one that beads the Beast?

Tournament will be hold at beautiful Nokia central park and the course will be similar to previous years. Notice that we do not have exact same layout as in European Open even it will be similar.

Registration will open 22nd of January at discgolfmetrix page. So be ready for that date.

You can find all the tournament news at Nokia Open 2024 event page on Facebook. All the important news about the tournament will be posted also here as are seen on tournament center.

If you are not ready to compete with the Pro players you can come to spectate or play on some of the other tournaments. There will be lot’s of one rounds also during the weeks.

Tournament Info

  • Event date: 24-26 May 2024.
  • Location: Nokia DiscGolfPark, Hinttalankatu 6, 37100 Nokia, Finland.
  • PDGA A-tier event and part or European Pro Tour
  • 160 players.
  • Divisions: MPO and FPO.
  • All players play three 18-hole rounds – one round per day with golf starts.
  • Most important player info will be send to all players by email before the tournament
  • News and info at tournament week on Facebook and at tournament center.

Tournament center is at Nokia central sport field (Nokian keskusurheilukenttä) behind the ice hall. Same place as previous years.